Showing posts with label Reality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reality. Show all posts

Sunday 12 January 2014

How to Overcome Pornography: Identify Your Triggers

We have looked at the first step to recovery and overcoming porn addiction. We understand that we must acknowledge the problem can ruin us before we can actually overcome the addiction. The next step to overcoming porn addiction is to identify those things that trigger your craving to watch it. Different people have different triggers. For some people, it’s an emotion that triggers it and for some others it is something they see that triggers them. Whoever you are, and you’re addicted to porn, there is a particular thing that will trigger the longing within you. It is your responsibility to identify what that trigger is. I call it your responsibility because, quite frankly, no one will do it for you. It’s for you to take responsibility for yourself and step up your game if you truly want to rid yourself of this addiction.

Thursday 9 January 2014


There's no other way to become successful in life except through hardwork. No matter how good or talented you think someone is, they will never amount to anything good if they do not put in a certain level of hardwork. The same goes for every one of us, including you reading this article.
I don’t know anyone that is consciously satisfied with being a failure but I also know that no one will ever become great if they do not work hard. I read an article on Ofilispeaks that talks about how to make work disappear and the only way I know how to make work disappear is to face the work and finish it. Don’t ever think your talent is good enough to get you that gig you want. Your talent is never enough to get you into the upper class and keep you there but hardwork can.

So whatever you are doing and whoever you are, get to work immediately. If you don’t like what you’re doing change your environment or quit but if you can’t quit then I suggest you better start forcing yourself to enjoy what you do if not you will remain a mediocre forever. Do you want to learn how to enjoy what you do? Then check back on this blog by tomorrow. I’ll have something especially for you. Have a wonderful day ahead and don’t forget to work. It’s the only way I know you can become truly successful.

Tuesday 7 January 2014


This topic of integrity is one topic that we definitely do not hear much about anymore or so it seems. This morning in our university chapel, our Pro-Chancellor talked about it. Listening to him made me realize how much of this virtue we are lacking nowadays. Few people can actually stand as persons of integrity when we look at it in the real sense of what that word means. And please don't tell me that it is hard to judge a book by it's cover, it ain't. In this present times it has become a norm for people to tell lies and cover up the evil happening around them. It's so sad. Furthermore, integrity should not be limited by situation. This means that holding on to your integrity should not be as occasion serves you. Rather, it should be constant. Integrity should be embedded in your personality and not your actions.
In case you have doubts on what integrity is, let me give you some definitions of integrity:

Sunday 29 December 2013

How to Overcome Pornography: Step 1- Acknowledge the Problem Can Ruin You

So, we finally begin examining the 7-step solution to overcoming porn addiction. The first and most important step is to acknowledge that you have a problem that can ruin you. Until you get to this point of 'brokenness' and helplessness you will never realize that all your efforts to come out or stop are but futile. Also, you must come to the conclusion that it is totally wrong and against God's law to do it. The reason I am pointing this out is because I know people who do not think that watching porn is wrong. They have no problem with it. Well, I do not stand to castigate their belief but from my own understanding of life and Faith, it is a sexual sin against the body and thus, it is wrong. Furthermore, if you do not acknowledge it as a problem, there is no way what I am writing will be useful to you.
Therefore, the first step to 'recovery' here is to admit that you have a problem and that you need a solution. If not, you will stay the same.

Wednesday 25 December 2013

The Thing About Christianity

The past year has been full of so many trials, temptations challenges and ultimately, victories. As a Christian, I have had to endure countless blog posts and website articles slandering my Faith and confusing my fellow brothers in the Faith. Recently, I came across a post on Facebook by one of the people I look up to; someone I respect and I was disappointed. I wasn't disappointed in the fact that he isn't a believer. I was disappointed in the fact that he wrote that Christianity is confusing. Some of you may agree with him but this only goes to prove how little you know.
Furthermore, people have been bringing up the issue of whether or not Jesus was born in December. This is a minor matter. It's not even important. What does it matter when Jesus was born? What matters is that we are celebrating the most influential being our planet will ever see.
The truth is, I guess I'm just sad at the fact that more ignorant people are saying wrong stuff. The most painful part is that these people are highly influential. For example, look at the caliber of people that support homosexuality despite the fact that the Bible calls it a sin. These people go as far as undermining the Bible.
What I am saying in essence is that we Christians need to step up to the challenge. We've sat back too long. The wrong people are out there saying all the wrong things. Christianity wasn't made for us to be mediocre. Jesus died to give us the world as a heritage. It is not for us to sit around and wait till it's time for heaven. We've got to make the most of our time here on earth. That is what Christianity is really about. Have a lovely Christmas. Keep these words close to heart.

Sunday 22 December 2013

How to Overcome Pornography Series: How Pornography Ruins Your Sex Life

Read this, I got it from Mark Manson's website:

According to science, porn trains our brains to release more endorphins (a chemical in the brain that relieves us of pain in some ways) than is natural in response to an overload of sexual stimuli. After a while, our brains become less and less sensitive and develop a need for higher and higher stimuli in order to reach the same arousal and excitement. Thus begins the spiral into more hardcore porn and higher quantities of it. In some cases, people can develop a psychological addiction to pornography and it can begin to interfere with their sex and social lives. In rare cases it can be weakening in both.

Sunday 15 December 2013


In my life, I have come to discover that people have problems and closeted issues they are not proud of. They have problems they think they cannot deal with or issues they are too afraid to face. Many times, they do not even know how to face these issues. The issues are addictions and they are ruining lives and relationships daily. Of all the issues I know, PORNOGRAPHY seems to be the most prominent and rampart yet, the one people least admit to. Yeah, porn, as it is popularly called, has damaged several lives, marriages and destinies. The amount of children who have been exposed to pornography is overwhelming to the extent that it is now becoming a global issue. Yet no one seems to be doing much about it. I walk into rooms and then I see a fellow with the guilty look on his face. He’s feeling bad about what he just did; right before I walked in. It is so easy to access porn. Just a click of your mouse and SWOOP, you’re in. With all said and done, people need to know how they can overcome this cankerworm that is eating them up inside. The truth is, some people do not see anything wrong with it. Here are some reasons to stop watching porn in the first place:

Thursday 5 December 2013

Do You Want Your Brain to Work Better? Here's How:

According to Dr. Richard Davidson, "Our personalities, thought patterns and emotional responses are wired into our brains". If your brain works well, your personality will be lovable, your thought pattern will be more impressive and your emotional responses will be more intelligent. So if you wanna learn how to improve your mental faculty and prowess, here's how. All these steps are as cited on Forbes, which is one of the most inspiring websites on earth.

  1. Make your home and workplace more optimistic. Let your environment encourage your to be more positive.
  2. Learn to express gratitude. Show people you are grateful whenever they do something for you.
  3. Learn to compliment others. If you like what that lady's wearing, simply let her know. Compliment people. It will keep you positive and optimistic.
  4. Do a mindfulness meditation. Become more self-aware. Choose a time when you feel the most awake and alert, sit upright, concentrate on your breathing, notice the sensations in your body and if you become distracted, simply bring your focus back to your breath.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Missing person: 29 year old Jaiyeola Abayomi (URGENT!!!)

Friends of Abayomi Jaiyeola have reached out to the media asking that we help spread the news of their missing friend. Jaiyeola was last seen leaving her home in Oniru, Victoria Island on Friday Nov. 29th, wearing a pair of blue jeans, green polo top with her hair braided. Friends of Jaiyeola, who is 5'5, said she left her handbag and mobile phone at home as left that Friday without a word to her sister or mother.

If anyone has any info about Jaiyeola, please call 08023182792 or report to the nearest police station

Culled from Linda Ikeji's Blog


Gloria is a failure. She’s been a failure all her life. From primary school all through to secondary school, she’d always been an epic fail. She even failed at killing herself!
Gloria’s father has never hesitated to remind her of how much he hated her. He never failed to make her know that he wasn’t proud of her. He had given up. Since her mother’s death, she’d even become worse. Gloria’s father had brought her to yet another university admission exercise. She wanted to try one last time. But yet again, she failed. To her, this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. She headed back to the school’s guest house with her father but her father was too ashamed to be around her so he decided to head out again. This time, Gloria decided it was time to meet her maker. Life wasn’t worth living anymore.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Help Me Get Better!

There's a poll with a question and some options right there on the top right side of this blog: What should I blog more about? I need you all to help me fill it. You can select multiple options if you want. It's just a way to help me do better so you won't be disappointed anytime you visit this blog. THANKS A LOT! I AM REALLY GRATEFUL!

Thursday 21 November 2013


Having a positive self-esteem doesn’t mean you are impervious to criticisms from people. It doesn’t mean you don’t feel hurt when people do bad things to you. It also doesn’t guarantee that you will become successful, but you know what; it will make it easier for you. There’s a fine line between a positive self-esteem and pride. Self-esteem builds your self-confidence. It helps you lead a happier life. It makes you enjoy what you do better, whether you are a student, a worker or even a parent. Having a positive self-esteem adds to you it doesn’t harm you. Positive self-esteem gives you more push and drive in fulfilling your dreams and aspirations. You want to learn how to have a positive self-esteem? Then follow these simple steps:

Sunday 17 November 2013


Back in secondary school, I remember vividly an exam I failed woefully. I don’t remember this episode because of my failure; I remember it because of the event that led to my failure. I was negligent. I assumed. I was careless and this hurt me badly. It killed my dream. I was in my 2nd senior year. I was aiming at claiming a prize as one of the best students in my class. I was well on track until this faithful day when I lifted my foot off the gas.

Friday 15 November 2013


I AM ANGRY! I AM PISSED OFF! I am disappointed that I didn’t realize this earlier. Our religiosity is killing us. We have put too much emphasis on fate, the supernatural, predestination and all that stuff and we have forgotten that whatever becomes of us is ultimately determined by what we do.
I do not deny the impact that the unknown has on life but rather, I believe that the reason some people are where they are- in the dust- is because they have left too much to religious beliefs...

Friday 8 November 2013


There are days when I wake up in the morning and the first thought that pops into my head is a thought that gets me frustrated and feeling unhappy for the rest of the day. A thought that makes me feel inadequate. A thought that makes me like my life is utterly useless.
Nevertheless, I have come to understand myself and I have learned to take courage from who I am. When such thoughts come into my mind I just try to forget them by doing something that’ll make me feel good. I may watch a comedy or just look for a way to get a laugh. Sometimes I look for someone to talk to. Other times I just stare at myself in the mirror and admire my beauty.
We are different. We have different ways of dealing with these things. Whichever way, look for ways to always make yourself feel good. When you feel good, you I’ll be able to work better and carry out all your tasks more effectively and more efficiently. Find out what works for you and constantly practice it. MAKE YOURSELF FEEL GOOD. It’ll help our self-esteem and it will stop people and other things from trampling on your happiness.

Friday 1 November 2013


Counting down to the end of 2013 and I'm wondering if I have I actually achieved all I thought I would achieve when the year begun and the answer is NO! I haven't. But I still can.YOU STILL CAN!
On this first day of the 11th month, you'll need to sit down and evaluate all your choices and their effects on your life so far. Have all your choices given you the results you wanted? Have you had the year you planned to? You can still make the most of this year if you want to. It's never too late to do something you have always wanted. Have a productive November!

Tuesday 15 October 2013


The biggest problem some people face in life is the problem of expertise. They aspire to become experts at whatever they do and in the process forget that there is always a place in life for improvement. When eventually they attain the status of expertise, they are tempted to believe they have little or nothing to learn any more. In making reference to the Bible, we can read from the book of Philippians 3:12 where the Apostle Paul writes “not that I have already attained, or am I already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me” (NKJV). This statement was made by a man who wrote two-thirds of the new testament of the bible but he never even met Jesus personally. He had more than 20 years of experience in his work. He could be considered what in modern times we call an expert.