So, we finally begin examining the 7-step solution to overcoming porn addiction. The first and most important step is to acknowledge that you have a problem that can ruin you. Until you get to this point of 'brokenness' and helplessness you will never realize that all your efforts to come out or stop are but futile. Also, you must come to the conclusion that it is totally wrong and against God's law to do it. The reason I am pointing this out is because I know people who do not think that watching porn is wrong. They have no problem with it. Well, I do not stand to castigate their belief but from my own understanding of life and Faith, it is a sexual sin against the body and thus, it is wrong. Furthermore, if you do not acknowledge it as a problem, there is no way what I am writing will be useful to you.
Therefore, the first step to 'recovery' here is to admit that you have a problem and that you need a solution. If not, you will stay the same.