Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts

Saturday 18 May 2013


  1. Shut the hell up! You don’t always have to respond or react when someone annoys you. Silence can be your best bet in certain situations. I know this can be hard, but please, just try it.
  2. Try doing something else that’ll take your mind off the incidence or situation.
  3. Look for someone to talk to. It always helps to pour out your heart to someone who’s willing to listen. The hard part of this is finding someone who will listen, because human beings hardly do.
  4. SHOUT! SHOUT! Let it all out. It’s best to do this in private where no will see you. However, please, make sure you don’t hurt yourself. Don’t dare punch the wall or hold a knife!!!
  5. You can try acting out your anger impulsively…and feel stupid afterwards. The choice is yours.

Saturday 4 May 2013

How to get more done in good time

We eventually end up regretting every second we spend doing nothing or doing nothing profitable. We then go on to complain that we have so little time to do so much but if God shared our views He probably would have given us more hours in a day, but He didn’t.
The time we have is enough if we can learn to prioritize our activities and scratch out the unimportant, unproductive things we do. Every second we spend is gone forever; we cannot retrieve time but we can manage it well. Time waits for no man. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. .       First thing in the morning, write out your to-do list for that day. If you don’t do it now, you probably won’t have the chance again.
  2. .        Organize the contents of the list in order of importance.
  3. .       Allocate time slots to each activity and deadlines too.
  4. .       If possible, set reminders around you. You can use electronic devices (Tablets PCs, iPod, etc.) or you can use sticky notes or better yet tell your friends to remind you.
  5. .       You need to be disciplined. No one can teach you that. You’ll just have to learn it yourself.
  6. .       Understand that you’ll probably not accomplish everything that day. Carry the minor activities over to the next day OR leverage other people’s time.
  7. .       Make sure you follow up on your list and go through it at the end of the day.