
Wednesday, 2 October 2013


These are simple steps on how to kill your business quickly. If you’re wise, you’ll learn from them and do the opposite:

  • Treat your customers like crap. This is the fastest way to kill any business, no matter how big it may be. Some businesses are dead even before they start because they refuse to acknowledge their customers. They forget that the customer is the boss and that he can fire you and substitute your business with another person’s. 
  • Improper planning, preparation and consideration before taking action. Many business owners just jump into certain decisions that end up being the death sentence of their business.   
  •  Improper risk calculation. The rise or fall of any business person is the ability to take calculated risks and do well with them. You will eventually take risks that will lead to loss, but do you have to do that all the time? Nah, I didn’t think so too. 
  • Lack of accountability. It is a death sentence for any business not to be accountable for even the minutest item. Every penny spent and every action taken, every transaction and negotiation must be properly accounted for. If not, resources will be wasted and the excesses will run the business down easily. 
  • Lack of a clear cut future and plan for your business. Every business must have long term and short term plans. If not, the unknowns in the future will swallow the business up. Everything must be well prepared for to avoid a massive collapse. 
  • Over-thinking and fear of the unknown. If you’re going to make a decision and take risks, fear of the unknown will limit you and limit the productivity of your business. Remember no great organization made their way up without taking some giant risks. 
  • Sleeping with the secretary…ha-ha...just kidding, a lack of commitment to work and a lack of confidence in your workers or co-workers.  Also, remember to always treat them well. Yeah, don’t even sleep with your workers, they may end up taking you for granted and start to disrespect you and undermine your authority. Plus, office romance can cause too many problems during brainstorming sessions simply because the other guy’s thinking session may not necessary mean he’s thinking about the company…