
Monday, 16 September 2013


There have been so many books teaching people leadership and I don’t criticize those books, I actually have gained enormously from them, but the truth is, few of these books will teach you what only experience can. In my few years in the university, I’ve had the opportunity to serve as a leader and I have watched, in genuine surprise, at how I have learned a lot from the responsibilities I have had. These are things that only experience can teach you. These are things that you won’t learn in any textbook. These are the things that make for excellent leadership.
-          A leader is defined by the competence of his followers. Trust me, if your followers are not competent enough, they’ll end up dragging you back and the progress of your group will be hindered. As a leader, you must look out for the total development of your followers because, eventually, their outcome will determine your success or failure.

-          Secondly, a leader is defined by what he reads and knows. If you know little, you’ll be little. You cannot be more than what you. If by any chance you get to rise higher than your current level of knowledge, your deficiency will be your downfall. Therefore, you must strive to keep learning and keep developing yourself. Mind what you read. Make sure it’s helping you. Also, you practice what you read; this is the only way you can show that the knowledge you’re acquiring is beneficial.

-          A leader is defined by who he/she talks to and listens to. If you talk with wise persons, it’ll rub off on you. When you’re at crossroads, talk to your mentors and people who have gone on before. Sometimes these people could even be your classmates but their advice will always be golden. They have a bit more experience than you do so embrace them. Listen to them.

-          A leader is defined by his inner circle. As a leader, you should have your own inner circle. These are the people who stand up for you and stand with you in challenges. These are the people that are all out to help you when challenges come. Make sure you are in good standing with them always. If there’s any challenge at all, let communication handle it. Tell them when they upset you and be quick to apologize when you offend them as well. Remember, they are your spine and your support.

-          Finally, a leader is defined by his legacy. Make sure your leadership impacts people. Make sure it inspires others to want to be like you. Make sure your leadership produces a successful successor: someone that’ll follow in your footsteps and produce better results than you albeit attributing his/her success to your principles.

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