
Thursday, 19 September 2013

Leadership Development Series Part2: LEADERSHIP AND LEARNING

One of the outstanding setbacks any leader can have is the assumption of him having adequate knowledge and so does not necessarily need to know more. This will be his demise. A leader must be able to learn from every experience at every point in time, from everyone whether superior or inferior, past and present mistakes which led to the downfall of leaders who preceded him and even the mistake he makes. It will be foolishness for a leader to repeat the same mistakes which others have made. Also, you can learn from the success stories of other leaders.
 A leader should be able to learn from his followers so as not to be perceived as a tyrant. No one is too little to teach you a vital lesson.
Whatever knowledge a leader has acquired in his quest of being a leader, it is important and very crucial for him to know that there is always an unturned stone and there is always a further step to take. A leaders experience can be all the more profitable because profitability is a good measure for successful leadership. Not every leader succeeds in impacting the lives of the people that he has led and so it is very important for you to develop your leadership ability so you can impact others. It can also be more delightful and adventurous if as a leader you are willing to open your mind and heart to learn.
Furthermore, a leader should develop the skill of reading books and other leadership materials and also apply whatever he’s learned. There are always people who know things that you don’t; be humble enough to learn from these people, no matter how minor they may seem. Growth, development and improvement are hinged on learning. Strive to take a lesson away from everything that happens and everyone you come across. The experiences will not always be positive or a smooth ride without any hitches as that would be deceptive; leaders will always encounter challenges as he would meet opposition. Negative experiences are only a platform that would help you as a leader to know what not to do in certain situations and methods not suitable for you.
Learning never ends because change is constant. As a leader, you have to be ahead of your followers who look up to you for direction and the only way to do this is through continuous learning.

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