
Tuesday, 23 April 2013


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Nigeria has more churches per square mile than almost any other country in the world, why have our fortunes not changed? We pray all day and night but stand and hope, waiting for miracles to happen? I agree with Okechukwu Ofili when he wrote “if the amount of times a nation prays was directly proportional to its success and prosperity, then Nigeria will be #1 in Africa the world. But unfortunately, we are not. This is because prayer is not the key. It is actually an excuse that conditions us to wait around for someone else to solve our problems. It has made us a lazy nation.”
Yes! Religion has made us lazy as a nation. A nation so endowed, so blessed, but look where we are! Day after day we pray to a God who has long answered our prayers and is patiently waiting for us to realize it. Year after year churches hold crusades and prayer sessions for a nation that has simply refused to realize that God has long delivered her from her calamity but He’s waiting, hoping we shall soon see the truth and embrace it; hoping we’ll see the truth and act on it rather than lazing around.
Prayer certainly is not the key to solving our problems any more. America probably doesn’t have as many churches as we do but are undoubtedly light years ahead of us. WAKE UP NIGERIA! and take hold of what is yours! If we listened to God well enough, we’d probably hear the truth that He has since answered our prayers but we need to work and stop lazing around. Prayer is not the key…prayer with LOTS (intentionally capitalized) of action is the key! (Adapted from Ofilispeaks)

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