
Friday, 19 April 2013


History (as contained in the Bible) tells us that one of Jesus’ ancestors, Rahab, was a prostitute. She helped some Israelite spies -who came to spy on Jericho- escape death and she was saved for it. She eventually married a Jew and became an ancestor of Christ.
My point is this: whoever you were, wherever you’re coming from, whatever you’ve been through, who you will become is totally up to you. Your bloodline shouldn’t be the end of you. If Jesus was from an ancestral line that included a prostitute and He became the person He was and still is today, what’s stopping you from doing likewise?
I’m not trying to be religious but I want you to be very sincere with yourself. You might have made mistakes in the past; this doesn’t mean you should give up on yourself. Everyone has their shortcomings –some we can control, others we can’t- but it’s the ability to rise above these shortcomings hat make the best out of us.

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