Monday 25 February 2013

This "don't judge me" comedy...

Don’t judge me. No one is perfect. You don’t know what I’ve been through. You’ve never walked in my shoes. You can’t understand where I’m coming from... the list goes on and on. These are the funny excuses people make nowadays for acting out of line. The excuses they make for acting waywardly.
It’s never okay to act waywardly. It’s not. You’re precious. You matter too much. People look up to you- like it or not. Several lives and futures hang on the success of yours. Your success is the uplifting of many; your failure is the devastation of multitudes. Why not take up responsibility for your actions. If everybody lived and acted that way, there wouldn’t be anyone to look up to.
It’s not enough to ask people not to judge you. They always will. They’ll judge you all they want. It’s normal now. However it’s your responsibility to give them nothing negative to judge you with. No one is perfect but it is possible to be near it. To you, perfection may be impossible but working at it always makes you a better person.

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