
Monday, 25 January 2016

7 TED Videos That Will Fire Up Your Creativity

Photo Credit: jurvetson via Compfight cc
It's been a tough couple of weeks for me. Things haven't been so good, at work and almost every other aspect of my life. But I believe this is all part of a process.

I've been doing a lot of soul-searching, and I've been looking for inspiration from anywhere I can get it. Below are some of the videos I watched that have done some good for me. I hope they can help you too.

1. Where good ideas come from - Steven Johnson

2. Your elusive creative genius - Elizabeth Gilbert

3. How to start a movement - Derek Sivers

4. How to get your ideas to spread - Seth Godin

5. When ideas have sex - Matt Ridley

6. Embrace the remix - Kirby Ferguson

7. 4 lessons in creativity - Julie Burstein

These seven videos originally appeared in a playlist on the TED website. Let me know your thoughts about them in the comments section below. Have a great week.