
Saturday, 26 December 2015

The Top 10 Songs and Albums On My Creativity Playlist

Photo Credit: shenamt via Compfight cc 
Everyone has a go-to music playlist, for when they are sad or happy or in need of inspiration. When I need inspiration to write, I listen to some specific songs or albums and they help boost my creativity. And since I listen to a variety of music genres and lots of songs, I can’t put them all on this list.

But then, there are songs and albums that stand out though. This is the list of the top 10 of them (in alphabetical order).


1. Anchor - Beautiful Eulogy (Album: Satellite Kites)

2. HiiiPower - Kendrick Lamar (Album: Section.80)

3. Lux Aeterna - Clint Mansell (From the movie, “Requiem for a Diadem”)

4. O Fortuna - London Philharmonic Orchestra (Album: The 50 Greatest Pieces Of Classical Music)

5. Power - Kanye West (Album: My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy)


6. Angels and Demons Soundtrack Album - Hans Zimmer

7. First Love - Yiruma

8. Inception Original Soundtrack Album - Hans Zimmer

9. Oblivion EP - Bastille

10. Random Access Memories - Daft Punk

Honourable Mentions

Photo Credit: nadworks via Compfight cc
Some entries are so good, they can’t be left out.

11. Nina - Ed Sheeran (Album: X)

12. Rat Race - Andy Mineo (Album: Uncomfortable)

13. Archangel (Soundtrack Album) - Two Steps from Hell

What are some songs/albums you listen to when you need inspiration? Let me know in the comments section below.


  1. I am so surprise and glad that you have a creativity album
    I usually have a song or 2 that I play before I write.
    I just pick a song in the moment. Right now it is actually pentatonix version of the drummer boy. It's on youtube.

    My creativity songs are different depending on what season of life I am in. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Funmi. It's nice to know you have a creativity playlist too. I think it's cool.

  2. Music just distracts me. I can't do anything with it on. i have actually tired.

  3. Mine is waves by Mr Probz. I've achieved many great feats with this song on replay for hours. Nice piece
