
Thursday, 8 October 2015

How to Put Your Life in Order

Are you in a place right now, where you feel your life is out of control? Are things moving too fast for you to comprehend? And does it look like things are not getting back into order anytime soon? If you answered yes to all or most of those questions, then know that you are not alone. I, for one, can understand what you are going through. I know what it feels like to try to put your life in order, and not be able to do it.
However, like I said yesterday, I am finally in a place where I can grow again. My life is back in order and I am happy. The good thing about this is that it took me less than one hour to achieve. Though, to be honest, the background work lasted weeks.
Two weeks ago, I was working as a Social Media Manager for an eCommerce company. Things started out well for me but as time went on, my work performance started regressing. I constantly failed to meet deadlines. More often than not, I hardly achieved all my daily goals. This happened for a week and I thought about quitting but after an enlightening conversation with a colleague, I decided to stay. At that point, I thought out the best ways to motivate myself, I tried to take steps to help myself. All my efforts ended in futility.
During that period, I was reading a book on emotional intelligence. I first thought the problem was fully from me but it wasn't. I found out that the work wasn't fulfilling me and the work schedule was draining my soul. It was at that point I decided it was time to get my life back in order.
One afternoon, in solitude, I sat down and wrote out SIX options I could choose for my life at that time. These options were written in form of goals and they each had strategies backing them. They were not wishes, they were targets I could work towards. After that, I started taking steps, and that has led me to where I am now. So, what exactly did I do that helped put my life in order?

I wrote down my goals and strategies

People who write down their goals and visions are far more likely to achieve them than people who don't. I will advise you to seek out a quiet place where you will not be disturbed or distracted. Take a notepad with you and have a brainstorming session.
In one part of the note, write down an accurate description of what your life is at the moment. Write down as much you think up, don't hold back.

Next, in another part, write out what you want your life to be like

Don't worry about time frames/periods, just write out what you envisioned you would be doing now, if you were to be living a better life. This should take you quite some time to do, except you  have a clear idea in mind already. Make sure you write every thing down.

After that, write out all the options that you have, realistically, at the moment

Your options should include your current situation. Once you have written out these options, try to create possible outcomes for each of them. Write out those possible outcomes in your notepad.

Attach action steps to your options

Once you have written out your options and possible outcomes, rank them in order of possibility. That is 1-n. 1 being the most possible option and n being the least possible option. Once you have done this, then you should draw up action steps for each of the options. What are you going to DO to get from point 'A' to 'B'? You need to write them down.

Once you are through with this exercise, take a step immediately. Look at the best and most possible option you have, and take it. You already have an idea of what the outcome is so nothing can really take you by surprise.
This exercise can take you 30 minutes, or it could take you 3 hours. It depends on the state of your mind and life at that time. One thing you should do, however, is to make sure you complete this exercise in one sitting. Discipline and perseverance are part of the essence of it all.
I guarantee you two things: this will either work for you or it will point you in another direction that will work for you. Whichever way, it won't be an exercise in futility.

Photo Credit: Appljacks via Compfight cc


  1. I guess this is something I have to do, been at a standstill for a while now. Thanks David, always an inspiration.

  2. I love this post and you are right that one needs to get his act together by knowing what he wants in life.


  3. This is a very good exercise. I am going to try it today!
