
Saturday, 18 July 2015

What I Would Do If I Had N100 Million

I stumbled upon an article on a financial intelligence blog, Smart Money Africa, that I found very interesting. In it, she talked about what she would do if she won a 100 million Naira lottery. The article contained a lot of investment language that I did not understand very well but I really liked the idea behind it. The author (who's named Arese) highlighted the following things that she would do:

1. She would make investments in he following things: a stock portfolio (worth N40 million), real estate (N25 million), and a small business (N20 million),
2. She would then splurge on the following: a holiday (N11.2 million), a Chanel bag, and some other things. Click here to read the full article.

Since I liked the article, and since this blog is [in some ways] my diary and record keeper, I decided to make my own list too, in hopes that it will inspire you to make your own list too. So that when that sort of money comes into our lives (if it hasn't come into yours yet) we will be wise in our we handle it.

However, this article will help me write down what I want to do with my money in the larger sense. That's why I encourage you to make such a list too.

1. I would pay my tithe (N10 million)
Setting aside my tithe would be the first thing I would do. My tithe is one of my ways of appreciating God and giving my money for the advancement of His Kingdom on earth.

2. I would make the following investments (N60 million):
i. I would invest in a stock portfolio (N10 million). This is so that my money can grow and I can have something to look forward to in the far future. there are a lot of impactful things I want to do with my life and I am going to need a lot of money for them. I will pray well before investing though, because I know God will never lead me astray.

ii. I would invest in real estate (N30 million). Buy a piece of land and build an affordable housing scheme on it. Then I would rent out the apartments.

iii. My own small business (N20 million). I have always aspired to own a small business. The nature, i do not know yet. Maybe a superstore, an eatery, a food cart network. I don't know yet.

3. Create a scholarship scheme (N15 million)
I have always wanted to provide scholarships to financially incapable people. This will be a huge opportunity for me to do it. The scheme will start small but I am sure it will only grow as time goes on.

4. Further my education (N10 million)
I would further my education to the PhD level simply because I love learning.

5. Spoil my parents (N5 million)
I would spoil them because they deserve it.

So, there you have it. The things I would do if I had N100 million. So, tell me, what would you do if you had N100 million?

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