
Sunday, 5 July 2015

The Albatross #ParableSunday

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 Suppose you were standing on a beach, looking at an albatross and admiring one of its wings- its right wing. Knowing that the albatross has the longest wing span of any known bird, you say to yourself, “what a wonderful and beautiful right wing.” You keep admiring how it spreads its right wing and flies graciously in the air. As an artist, you bring out your pencil and begin to sketch the albatross’ right wing, all the while ignoring the left wing. Imagine that you take that experience and you go on to tell people how wonderful the right wing of the albatross is and how it is the only thing by which the albatross takes flight. Still you ignore its left wing.
Now, using this scenario, we can apply it to the concept of grace and works in Christianity. For some people, they say that because we are already saved by the grace of Christ we do not need to labor through works anymore so we do not need to try our best to live right. With this mindset, a whole lot of them revel in licentiousness without any regard for right living. This mindset is admiring the right wing of the albatross and ignoring the left wing.

Yes, we are saved by grace through faith in Christ but James tells us in James 2 that our works accompany our faith. While our works do not make us righteous before God, they are inevitable fruits of our righteousness. If we truly have faith, we will act it out. Our good works are only a result of our faith in God and our relationship with Him. If we truly love someone, we will always seek to please them and we will avoid anything that offends them. And sin offends God.

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