
Friday, 17 July 2015

Abimbola Oshodi's #100DaysOfGrowth Entry

Entry 21 by Bimbo Oshodi (Twitter: @_bimbee_)

I struggled with this post for weeks, (side eyes David) partly because I'm still not sure of what growth is, and partly because I'm in a really 'slow phase' of my life right now. 
One verse that comes to mind when discussing growth and that's totally relatable is: The [uncompromisingly] righteous shall flourish like the palm tree [be long-lived, stately, upright, useful, and fruitful]; they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible]. (Psalm 92:12 AMP)
And they shall GROW like the cedar in Lebanon, a little information about the cedar in Lebanon, in the first 5years of its life it rarely grows more than 5feet, but it's roots are spreading beneath the ground, it's storing nutrients etc. After the 5th year it starts to grow astronomically, and within a couple of years can grow up to 40 meters tall! 

The benefits of the cedar in Lebanon are numerous, it's back is used to treat diseases, in ancient Egypt to mummify their deceased even to cleanse lepars, they live up to 2,000 years!
And that's how God wants us to be.

1. Growth is HARD ! I can't stress this enough. 
2. Growth. Takes. Time. 
3. True growth must be 'rooted in God'. 
4. Because it's not noticeable (initially) doesn't mean growth isn't taking place. 

If we are bringing it to our daily life, the initial 5 year period can be times we spend. Learning a skill, picking up good habits, spending time with God, waiting for something, getting a degree and the likes. 
It might seem like it will never end, but when you begin to show the fruits of that growth, you'll be thankful for it. 

Habits and skills are really important in waiting periods;
- Read wide, and wild. (Blogs, articles, audiobooks if you don't paperbacks, read about people, things, about the field(s) you're most interested in). 
- Never underestimate alone time. (It's okay if you don't reply pings the second they deliver). 
- Listen to good music. It’s soul purifying. 
- Associate with people from every walk of life. 
- Be nice. 
- Pick up at least one skill during your waiting period (I've learnt to make hair, and I'm currently learning to sew, you can learn almost anything on the Internet). 

I hope you've in one way or another, gained something from this post.  
Always remember, you're not alone. :) 
Have an amazing day! 

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