
Monday, 1 June 2015

What I Did In May 2015

So I went on a blog surfing spree this morning and I came across this monthly round-up for May on Lade Tawak's website. I decided to do that same thing on this blog. So I'll be doing a monthly round up of what I did from this June forward.

May was a rather challenging month for me. I started work as an intern at Alder Consulting and it has been very educative so far. The great thing, however, is that I finally met my mentor, Leke Alder. 

I had to take an excuse from my PPA (Primary Place of Assignment) in Ibadan to come to Lagos. And yes, Lagos!

Lagos life has required a lot of getting used to. Especially living on the Island where things are more expensive than I can really afford. So now, I don't eat as much and as well as I want, but it's the price I have to pay though. I have a vision and I have to achieve it.

Also, in May, I actually, finally stopped watching TV shows. Yup! Now I just follow them up from Twitter gist. I went to the cinema though and saw Avengers: Age of Ultron. Honestly, aside the action and little comedy, the movie was a disappointment. But I liked the fact that James Spader was in it.

This month, I earned higher than ever and did a couple of good things. I had a little giveaway on Twitter and shared airtime (or phone credit). I also started paying my tithe again (I'm happy about that).

Finally, these are the books I read:
Purple Cow by Seth Godin
The Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki

And I read a couple of magazines such as Intelligent Life, Harvard Business Review and Fast Company.

In case you did not know, we are running a #100DaysofGrowth project on this blog. Check it out and catch up.

So, tell me, what are some of the things you did in May 2015?


  1. Oh, intern at Leke Alder consulting right?
    That's great! Congrats!
    I should dm you about Ibadan sef, need info.

    And yep, paying tithe again, one of the ways to walk in abundance..keep going.
    Love how you keep track of your way to stay on track.

    1. Thank you Frances. It helps to be accountable.

  2. I also watched Avengers: Age of Ultron in May. Let's just say I hope the next one will be far far better.

    Unlike you though, I didn't meet Leke Alder. :-(

    Maybe that'll change in the future. Who knows.

    1. Haha! Hopefully, it changes. And I really hope the next Avengers is better.

  3. Ok the only reason why I'm commenting on this article is because of the fact that you read purple cow by Seth Godin. Anyone that dig Seth Godin's books is my friend (and I don't really have friends per se). I have read all of Seth Godin's books... All of them. Nice blog by the way. I wish you all the best.
