
Friday, 8 May 2015

Right in Front of You #100DaysOfGrowth

Entry 2: By Toni Abaside Esu (Twitter: @ToniEsu_MUA)

Most times, what you're praying for may just be right in front of you.When I first discovered my passion for make-up, I was still uncertain on whether it was God's plan for my life. In my 300 level, the chaplain then was Pastor Victor Oluwadamilare (God bless his soul!). He always preached about God's plan and purpose for our lives and how we should ask God to reveal it to us.

This is one of the prayers I prayed the most. I prayed it while on my knees and sometimes in tears because honestly, I was confused. I was facing a lot pressure by my parents concerning what I wanted to become.

Until one faithful holiday. I listened to Bishop Abioye's message for Youth Alive Conference. It was a message on how to know if you are on the right path to fulfilling destiny and God's plan for your life. I took my time to listen to that message and took key points. He gave about five ways to know you are on the right path. I can't really remember all of them but one was peace of mind. He said you will experience an unusual peace with what you are doing. The other was open doors; He said that when you are on the right path, doors of opportunities would begin to open up to you. He also said that you will experience recognition and will be distinguished among people.

After listening to this, it dawned on me that what I had been praying for was right in front of me. It was like God was speaking directly to me. Ever since I had started my make-up journey, I experienced peace. It felt like I was in the right place, like I was home. Also I was getting a lot of opportunities even at the little stage I was. I was being recognized and distinguished.

The answer had been right in front of my eyes and I never knew. The thing is God has different ways of speaking to us and giving us the answer. You don't have to wait to hear His voice directly. It can be through the word, through a prophet, through dreams, through the Holy Spirit, etc.

It's been two years plus and I'm still experiencing peace, open doors and recognition. I've had no regrets so far. That message confirmed that I was on the right path, that I was fulfilling God's plan. You know, if you've been praying to God about His plan for your life, just look around you. It may not have come in the way you expected it and it may not be what you were expecting. Just embrace it because God knows best.

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