
Monday, 25 May 2015

Kunmi Oni Shares Her Growth Story #100DaysOfGrowth

Entry 7 by: Kunmi Oni (Twitter: @Kunmii_O)


Spiritual growth didn’t come easy for me, I struggled on many occasions and the world had its claws so deep in me until when I had my defining moment. It was in my 300 Level at Uni, I’d rather not go into details, but that was when my spiritual life turned around. I was so sick and tired of being pushed around from one depressing situation to another and I finally gave my life to Christ one last time. I stopped going for every altar call when I realized God had saved me the very first time and the devil was just trying to manipulate by making me think I was still a sinner anytime altar call was made in church. And that was the first step into spiritual growth for me; becoming aware of the fact that I was a new creature and old things have passed away . I can’t even come close to claiming that I know half the things about being spiritually upright but I’m learning. Since I took the very first step of seeking God’s face, every other thing has been gracefully added to me and those things I would never take for granted. I now have a good thing going on in my life and I would never let it go.

Learning to trust the guidance of the Holy Spirit is another way in which I have grown spiritually. I don’t do anything without him these days, It feels so good to have a friend within to guide and direct. I’ve always believed in the power of two and if I do say so myself, He’s the best partner!
To improve my bible study pattern, I recently started a Bible book club on my website to help others like me who find it difficult to stay consistent with Bible study to keep up and get the most out of Life’s manual

I started blogging in my 100 level. I basically blogged about random teenager stuff but as I grew I knew I wanted to do more but it wasn’t until last year when God gave me clarity of my purpose which is to help people become the best version of themselves so these days, I like to think of myself as an amateur life-coach and I’m trying to use my website as platform to add this value to people’s lives.
These days you’ll find me reading a lot of self help books to help me grow in this area. The best I’ve read so far are; The Defining Decade by Meg Jay , The Four agreements by Miguel Ruiz, The Monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma , Think Like a Winner by Yehuda Shinar, Confidence by Rob Yeung etc
People are not going to act like you expect them to every time and this is one lesson I learned the hard way after so many people let me down. I’ve grown from being a cry baby when someone is mean to me or talking back immediately when someone attacks me to handling situations rationally and thinking before I speak Living Beyond your feeling by Joyce Meyer helped me a lot in this aspect. I still have a lot to learn about emotional intelligence but I believe life is a learning process and eventually I’ll master that aspect of life.
I’ve also grown from thinking Love is a mere feeling to actually experiencing the truest from of Love since I read a book by Joyce Meyer –Reduce Me to Love.
I was also able to stop procrastinating to some extent after I read Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy

One would think studying economics for four years would help me curb my bad spending habit but it really hasn’t. I haven’t grown much in the area and it’s not that I don’t know what to do or how to manage my finances properly but I have a really bad spending habit when it comes to clothes and gadgets which I’m working on at the moment. I’m curbing my spending habit by keeping my debit
card out of sight when I’m window shopping , I keep chump change in a piggy bank [funny I know but little drops of water make a mighty ocean], I’ve also started using my talent as my side hustle to make some extra cash on the side so I don’t have to spend out of my salary as soon as it comes, Lastly keeping a budget has helped me greatly.
When it comes to finances though, it all boils down to self discipline for me, If I decide not to spend on something at a particular time, by the grace of God I’m always able to control myself and not spend.

I used to be a loner and I believed having just one friend [no acquaintances] was enough for me but these days I’m starting to see differently. I’m a very shy introvert and I’m very protective of myself [who isn’t] so I tend to be really picky when I have to socialize and make new friends. Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People changed my social life, also The Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer.
I’m a budding entrepreneur and I own a blog I realized that sitting in the corner allowing timidity overcome me won’t get me anywhere. It hasn’t been easy, trust me, but I push myself harder everyday but when I start to feel like I’m burning out I relax and I never apologize for being myself. Now I have a few friends that I can count on the palm of one hand and a number of acquaintances. I’m quite content with my inner circle and grateful for everyone that has come my way.


  1. Hi Kunmi, this is definitely a lot of growing-up, trust me. You're right you're not there yet, but you're doing great.

    I fully appreciate your reading habit, wow. One book I always recommend to ladies is, you may have read it: The Lady, Her Lover and Her Lord by T.D Jakes.

    Keep growing lady, God bless you.

    David, thumbs up!

  2. I enjoyed reading this :)

    1. I'm glad you did. Thank you for reading it.
