
Monday, 4 May 2015

Don't Let the Bad Times Get You Down! #100DaysOfGrowth

ENTRY 1: By Olawunmi Abraham (Twitter: @PastorOlawunmi)

Image Source: Career Girl Network

Many thanks to David for this splendid opportunity to share the turning points of my life. I was in my final year and by the beginning of the second semester, it became obvious I wasn't going to graduate. Just to think about the shame, the reproach, the disappointment that I faced from my parents, lecturers, friends etc! Terrible!

At the end of the semester, as expected, I didn't graduate. I dreaded coming back for my extra year. Here I was, this Pastor, known of many, being a blessing to many, I failed to graduate. Why? I didn't pay attention to some critical issues. But, I dread coming back. Then, I visited a mentor, Pastor Emmanuel Iren. I discussed my fears with him. He told me not to worry about what people said about me. He told me to go back and finish up strong. This was the inspiration I needed!

Indeed, it was an experience! My extra year was a time where I learnt valuable life lessons. First, it helped me to see the fickle nature of human opinion. It changes! I had people who I had ministered to and who seemingly had great respect for me begin to belittle me. I encouraged myself in the Lord. One thing that helped also, was the fact that I had some friends who had the same challenge. I derived emotional support knowing I was not the only one. Sometimes, knowing that you are not the only one going through something can help your emotions get stable.

In the midst of it all, I made up my mind to graduate with a bang! I decided to do some big noteworthy things during this extra year. I held more meetings as a minister as an extra year student, than I did as a regular student. In fact, I held my biggest meeting during this extra year! Also, since I was having an extra year because of an academic misdemeanor, I thought to do something along those lines. An opportunity came my way in the BusinessDay Aspiring Writers Competition. I saw the advert on my college's notice board. I have a flair for writing. So, I entered in for it. I won 3rd place.

Now, here's the icing on the cake; some of my lecturers had deemed me unserious. I remember one of them actually told my mum that I was moving with bad gangs. Only one lecturer believed in me. I had always gotten on an average, an A in all the courses he took. Now, back to the glorious ending to this episode of my life. By the time I had won the BusinessDay award, I had graduated. My school, Covenant University, called me to receive the award publicly, in the full glare of lecturers and students. After that ceremony, one of my lecturers who had called me lazy and unserious, called me and thanked me for making our department proud.

I have learned from this, never to let bad times get you down. But, through your positive attitude, you can turn down times into launch pads for great accomplishments in your life.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... Reading it the second time.
    it's awesomely inspiring.
    Thank you sir, for this.
