
Friday, 17 April 2015

Introducing A Property Search and Real Estate Education Project

A lot has being done from the past five decades by real estate practitioners to preen properties (i.e. land and buildings, chattels and personal property) by taking time to understand the dynamics of properties by working on their peculiarities , design, importance and availability.
Property search has therefore become paramount as housing needs these days has grown geometrically, most especially in populated cities such as Lagos, Kano, Port Harcourt, Kaduna and the likes. Every young graduate now wants to quickly settle down in at least a one bedroom apartment or self-contain in order to be self-sufficient. New wedded Couples want to either rent a new apartment or own a new house. Parents want to own their own land and building. So everybody in this 21st century is mindful of real estate in one way or another.
However we in this 21st century are almost fully dependent on information. There is no doubt we are in information age and we are exposed to the internet which is seen as a ginormous information bank whose operations have led the world to a view of a global village status. Thanks to the internet every information needed can almost move at the pace of light. This invention as also led to the development of many property search websites as it has being the case in Nigeria over the past 15years.
But there is a unique difference with as it’s a website to search out any property of your choice and at same time provides you beauty, excitement and education. It features realtors/ real estate agents presence; whom can help with your specific property needs. Property listed on the site is linked with a proper locational map that helps with easy identification with its locality. Proper description is also attached to the property in question as tips on basic amenities, fixtures, fittings, finishes and accessibility are attached thereon.
The website is designed with consideration for students. This is a slice of the site that offers sentiments to real estate education. It presents a library with it content a variety of many such as journals, textbooks on various courses like valuation, taxation, real estate business, research methodology, and so on. A conglomeration of all these provides an environment for learning. Students of estate management can also enjoy IT placements and job opportunities via the list of estate firms under
job vacancy on the site.
We hereby call noble realtors, estate agents, estate firms and property consultants to do business with us by using our website as a medium to advertise their property listings and other estate products all for free. While management of listings for durations would require cheap payments. The website is mobile friendly which means it can get to more audience. To do business with us follow the required steps below:
Procedure application as a realtor/ estate agent or an estate firm:
1. Create a folder and rename with your company’s name or business name.
2. Attach your property listing with pictures and its location (pictures should correlate with property. pictures should consist of front view, sides view, back view and pictures of the rooms of a building property for rental or sale purpose. For bare land, picture of access road to the land and the picture of the land itself would be required).
3. Attach your valid contact information (i.e. Phone No., E-Mail, BB-Channel, WhatsApp, Facebook , Twitter handle ).
5. Check our site for property advert.

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