
Wednesday, 4 February 2015

The 10 Principles Guiding My Life

Image Source: New Mexico Common Core
On my way to work this morning, I was ruminating on some things and it occurred to me that I have never put the principles guiding my life in writing. I have often made efforts to put principles before anything else as they serve as a good guide for decision making. However, I had never thought of putting them in ink until today. On that note, I sat down for some time and searched through my life; I was able to come up with 10 primary principles (which have sub-principles) that guide my affairs. I share them with you in hopes that you can share some of yours with me. So, here goes:

  1. God over everything.
  2. Do not mess around with your time. Do not waste it on trivialities.
  3. If you can do something today or now, do not push it to tomorrow, or later.
  4. Gain, share and act on all the knowledge you can.
  5. Be wise in speaking and in silence. Both possess potentials for great effect.
  6. Understand that success isn't accidental. Failure, too, isn't.
  7. Practice what you preach.
  8. Always have in mind that the seeds you sow today will determine tomorrow's harvest. Do not eat up your seeds.
  9. If a conversation will not positively change things, do not engage in it (for long).
  10. Learn to put all your ideas in writing. They will be worth millions someday. 
So, these are the 10 primary principles guiding my life. Would you love to share some of yours with me? I know I can learn from you.


  1. I can resonate with most of them
    Especially 1,3,7 and 10

    1. That's great, More things we have in common *smiles*

  2. Thanks Adeleke...

    Mine can be wrapped up in "find your purpose, fill your niche, impact your world"
    Every other principle revolves around this.
    Yep :-)

    1. I like that. Focus and concision are very important.
