
Thursday, 21 August 2014

The Law of Consequences (in Life and Business)

Source: b5z
The Law of Consequences states that the value and importance of a task or goal is determined by the seriousness of its consequence if it is completed or not completed in due time. According to Brain Tracy, a task for which there are few, if any consequences, is by definition not particularly important. Therefore, for you to be more effective in life, you must aim at spending more time on the tasks that can have the greatest possible consequences.

Thus, look into and around yourself and ask “what am I doing now that I place as important but has little or no consequences to me or my career or business?” You will find, very often, that the answer will lead you to quite a number of things. It is now your decision whether you want to let go of these things and become a more effective person or you still want to hang on to them and continue selling yourself short. For example, I had to stop paying for my BlackBerry Internet Services because I noticed that I was spending more time tweeting inspirational tweets than I was spending inspiring myself to be a better person. I also noticed that I was spending more time on my phone than reading. So, you can see that what you are doing now that isn’t important may not even be something that is bad. It’s just that it doesn’t have the right consequences that will help you be better or that will make you feel worse off if not accomplished. I also had to delete so many TV series folders from my laptop, just so I could spend more time reading and doing more productive things and I can guarantee you that I am better off now and happier with myself now that I have ever been.

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