
Friday, 20 June 2014

LIFE LESSONS V: HOW LOW CAN YOU GO? (by Queensly Austin @AustinQueensly)

‘A true genius admits that he or she knows nothing’
Albert Einstein
This article title might bring back memories of lyrics to a song released by an artist who shares the first three letters of his stage name with a popular Nigerian gospel artist. Okay, if you still have not guessed it right, oh well!
The subject of this article lived years before our forefathers were born and was one of the closest companions of the greatest human to have walked the face of the earth. He is not the first person that will come to mind when one thinks about lowliness. Before I overwork your brain with my puzzles, let me at least solve this one for you.

Peter, as we all know, was a fisherman and was appointed the head of the disciples of Jesus. His occupation belonged to the same class as Jesus’. Is there really a difference between a carpenter’s income and a fisherman’s?
However, their occupations were the only area in which they could be somewhat held as equal at least naturally. Peter was a year older than Jesus, was married and had a house of his own, all of which could have been used as excuses not to follow and learn at the feet of Jesus. After all, Jesus did not measure up to him in any of these areas; he had no house of his own, no wife and was even younger than him. He could have thought to himself, ‘how can a small boy control me?’
All these factors did not deter him from following Jesus wholeheartedly, although he had flaws, he was not slow to admit them, forgive himself and move on. He went on to become one of the greatest apostles, a martyr, and wrote two books of the bible. He even got a personal miracle from Jesus who healed his mother-in-law, the only miracle ever performed by Jesus for any of his disciples.
I love quotes so let’s keep this in mind:
‘A great man is always willing to be little’
Ralph Waldo Emerson

On a lighter note, I am a horrible dancer, so I really do not think I can go that low. 

1 comment:

  1. a humble man is the man who has access to knowing it all
