
Friday, 28 March 2014

When the Trumpet Sounds

Something funny happened recently. At about 6:30 pm on Thursday, 27th of March, the weather suddenly changed. The clouds became thicker than I have ever seen in a long time. They were extremely dark and seemed like it was going to rain heavily. I was out that day, walking back to my hostel when I heard a sound and then it was followed by people screaming. A fellow was walking at my back and he made a joke. He said that the trumpet just sounded. At that time, I looked up coincidentally trying to decide if I should continue my journey or look for shelter before the rain started pelting. My friend who was with me on the walk started laughing at me. He claimed I was scared I had missed the rapture, I found this funny so I started laughing with him. But frankly, it wasn’t funny. I started thinking: “what if that was actually the rapture? What if it actually happened?” I looked around me at that moment and I saw a large number of people walking around. I thought to myself: “what if all these people, all of us, had actually missed the rapture? What would life be like?”

This question bugged me and made me understand how far away I have been from God…how far away a whole lot of us have been from God. I will never forget the early 2000s when so many movies centered on this phenomenon called the Second Coming of Christ. So many people were careful then but that is not the case now. We have gotten so carried away with the things of the world that we are slowly forgetting that this life is just a phase. A transient phase that will soon come to an end. A transient phase that will determine where each of us will spend our eternity.
It burdens my heart that churches of these times are focusing too much on materials and blessings and many are forgetting that our primary goal is to make heaven. Churches focus so much on giving and receiving that hardly anyone ever preaches about the real things that matter most in life: things like Love for God and our fellow man. Even the people of the world have valid, logical arguments at times when they say there is nothing special about Christianity. We have forgotten that the Rapture- the Second Coming of Christ- will happen in the twinkling of an eye, at any time unknown to any man- even the Messiah Himself. I hope this serves as a wake-up call for us all. This earth is not the final destination, we are just passing through. Every man will give account to God of all actions and thoughts done while in this physical body. Jesus will come soon and at anytime. He doesn't need your permission for it. Gt right with Him. Remember He will come as a Lion, no as a lamb or sheep. As a King, not as a baby or a pauper


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