
Monday, 10 February 2014

The 'But' Around Your Neck

Hi there guys, it's been quite a while since I last posted on this blog. I've been offline because I and my classmates were on an excursion and I had very little access to the internet. Over the course of the excursion I got to learn very valuable life lessons which I shall be sharing with you lot over the next few days. Today's life lesson s about character and bad behavior.
I decided to title this entry 'the but around your neck'. The inspiration behind it is simple. The person driving us was a nice man. Very kind and friendly 'but' he had a big character flaw that would never make me consider him or refer him for employment to another person. His flaw: he was never willing to be corrected and he always felt he knew too much.
The fact is that no matter how good you think you are,a little 'but' around your neck could spoil who you are and what people see you as. Check yourself. What's you biggest character flaw. When you find it, work consciously towards curing yourself of it.

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