
Monday, 20 January 2014

My Take on Marriage

I'm not married. Too young for that but I have seen too many failed marriages and seen too many Hollywood movies condemning marriage to want to be. But we are currently doing a program on Marriage and Family in my final undergrad year so we learn something today that made me understand that marriages fail, not because it is a failed institution, but because the people involved have chosen to let it be. I mean, aren't there countless successful marriages out there? There are. My parents' marriage is a good example of a successful one.
First, people from failed marriages do not understand a lot about marriage.
Check it. Most of them just jump into it without actually understanding what the institution is truly about. Tom Mullen said that "happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry". It is clear here that marriage is built on love, and not lust. We have come to a time in our existence when people think love and lust are the same thing. God help us. Furthermore, marriage requires proactivity on the path of both spouses to be successful. Not that one person is trying to make the marriage work while the other is just waiting for things to happen. Both of them have to make moves.
Another thing about marriage is it must involve two people who can't do without each other. Marriage should be a union of two complementary people. People who make up for each other's weaknesses and strengths. Furthermore, modern day society has encouraged sex before marriage forgetting that sex used to be one of the special things God reserved for married people. They have taken the spice out of sex. So now, everyone can have sex at anytime and at anyplace. That makes marriage less mystical and special than it used to be.
Marriage is a lifetime commitment. Divorce should be out of the question. No one should force you to marry. You shouldn't force yourself. Please note that marriage requires you to understand yourself. Don't just jump into it with just anybody. Marriage also require consistent and constant show of affection to your spouse. If you do not show affection, someone else will. Don't be too busy to pay attention to your spouse.
If you're married and your marriage is rocky, take my advice. If your marriage is strong right now, make it stronger. If you're not yet married, take this advice; learn from it and ensure you live a long, happy life with the one you love.

1 comment:

  1. yeah, some movies have destroyed people's take on marriage. marriage is an institution that needs to be respected. nowadays, it seems like a visit to the fair; when you're tired you leave, with decisions made on the spur of the moment. this is nice.
