
Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Let's Talk About The Conscience...Your Conscience

I heard the story of a married couple who lived somewhere in town (obviously). They trusted each other so much. They had 2 cars and both of them possessed keys to the 2 cars. So one day the wife was driving by a hotel- a very notorious hotel.- and she saw her husband's car. That hotel was so notorious that anyone who lodged in did so to commit wrong. That's how bad it was. So the wife drove home, took a cab, came back to the hotel. Then she drove her husbands car and went on to hide it somewhere. When the husband returned late in the night her lied that he was involved in a robbery attack and his car was snatched. Unknown to him was that his wife knew the whole truth. He was cheating on her. His wife just pulled him by the nose and showed him where she had hid the car. He felt so ashamed and embarrassed. That's the world as we have it today. People lack good moral compass and their consciences are weak or even dead.
Last Tuesday we talked about integrity. It is a virtue that too many people lack and I hope you learned from it. Today we're going to talk about the enabler of integrity. While integrity is the virtue, it can only be enabled by a good conscience. Every man and woman has a conscience. What you do with it and how good it is is solely determined by your own choices and actions. Your conscience helps you decide between what is wrong or right. It can never leave you on neutral ground.
Your conscience helps you to live free of hypocrisy and falsehood. People are too busy pleasing others that they neglecting their conscience as it makes its way to the grave. Having a conscience means you understand that your actions now will determine whether or not you make heaven. It requires you knowing that someday you will have to give account before God for every action you took. Life on earth is short compared to the eternity that awaits us in the after life. Why would you allow a couple of years on earth spoil your eternal place? A good conscience constrains you from participating in evil- no matter what.
Talking about conscience requires me to talk about how you can build a good conscience. First of all you must realize that you cannot do it on your own. The world as we know it now is now so evil that we face more issues than there used to be. The only way to build a good conscience is to exercise it. No one will do it for you. It is something you must do by yourself. Building a good conscience will cost you. It requires that you must refuse to take offense in anyone- whether God or man. A good conscience will always move you to feel sorry and repent whenever you do wrong.

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