
Sunday, 22 December 2013

How to Overcome Pornography Series: How Pornography Ruins Your Sex Life

Read this, I got it from Mark Manson's website:

According to science, porn trains our brains to release more endorphins (a chemical in the brain that relieves us of pain in some ways) than is natural in response to an overload of sexual stimuli. After a while, our brains become less and less sensitive and develop a need for higher and higher stimuli in order to reach the same arousal and excitement. Thus begins the spiral into more hardcore porn and higher quantities of it. In some cases, people can develop a psychological addiction to pornography and it can begin to interfere with their sex and social lives. In rare cases it can be weakening in both.

From this analogy, we can gather that in the long run, pornography ruins sex life. It gives us the false sense of what sex is. God created sex to be enjoyed between husband and wife and for reproduction but this purpose has been twisted. Pornography addiction has lent a helping hand for people to damage their sex lives. This is not limited to men alone. It affects women as well.

  1. Watching pornography will never be enough. You will always crave for more and more hardcore stuff. This plunges the victim into a deep abyss and gradually, he or she begins to crave what the porn stars are presenting, quickly forgetting that most of what is watched is acted and feigned and is not real.
  2. Gradually, because of the pornography you watch, especially if you are married, you will begin to practice on your spouse. Expecting the same level of satisfaction you derive from the pornography, during sex. Thus, if your spouse is unable to satisfy you, you find other means to satisfy yourself. This sparks off a vicious cycle that may seemingly not end if you do not seek help.
  3. Pornography encourages fetishism which in actual sense is just false reality. Gradually, you become depraved. Expecting satisfaction from that which is not real. You begin to picture every member of the opposite sex as you have seen the actors in the pornography. You develop a false sense of reality. Something which isn't and can never be real.
  4. It becomes like a drug to you. A drug you can't do without. You must have a dose of it to remain sane and if you cannot, then you may not be yourself. Of course these are extreme cases and just about a few people ever get to this level. This, like in drug addiction, may be the point of no return. You are too deep in it to come out.
  5. Another way porn ruins sex life is that it gives you a false sense of what orgasm is. As earlier mentioned, what you see is mostly fictitious. So if you use this as a guideline for what does or doesn't satisfy you sexually, you may be missing out on a whole lot more. It's better you clean yourself and stay put with what is real than what is not.
There are several other ways porn ruins sex life. Join me again next week as we continue in this topic to help those who are addicted to pornography to come out of it.

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