
Tuesday, 26 November 2013

How to Get More Followers on Twitter

  1. If you aren’t a celebrity, learn to follow back. Even some celebrities follow back. It’s not nice for someone to ask you for a follow back and you refuse to. Most people will eventually unfollow you ASAP. If you are looking to build your online presence, learn how to follow back when asked to. However, follow back with sense. It is not everyone that you should respond to. 
  2. Let your account be known for something. You can’t deny that those we refer to as twitter celebrities usually have a particular thing they are known for. Some of them thrive on controversies. Some other try to start twitter trends or TTs. Some others tweet only inspirational tweets while there are some that like twitfights. Whichever way, make sure you start building an identity for your twitter account now. 
  3. Learn to follow twitters suggestions. Usually twitter suggests some people that you should follow on the left hand side of your screen. Follow these people. When you do so, you give yourself a good chance of being suggested as a person to follow too. Don’t forget, there are hundreds of millions of people on twitter, so the more you follow these suggestions, the more your chances of appearing as one. 
  4. Always ask for follow backs. Not everyone has time to start going through the list of people following them. When you ask someone to follow you back, there are higher chances that the person will take note of you and respond more quickly. 
  5. Use hashtags (#). By using this sign while tweeting you enhance chances of people locating your account while they are searching for stuff on twitter. It also allows you to be involved in trends, which is a major platform through which you attract interest on twitter. 
  6. Tweet interesting stuff. This is a good way to increase followership. When your tweets are interesting, there’s a high chance your account will get retweets, favourites and mentions. Be innovative. 
  7. Engage your followers in conversations. Tweet at (@) people more often than not. This will increase your mentions and RTs (retweets) and people will get to know about your handle (twitter account) more. 
  8. Tweet a lot. Chances are people will follow you more when you tweet more. I don’t know the logic behind this but it works sha. Try it and see. 
  9. Be a resource on twitter. This means that you should tweet stuff that will help people. Get internet materials that will solve problems for people. 
  10. Tweet at celebrities and try to get follow backs from them. Some, not all, will eventually follow back after much persuasion. 
  11. Tweet during rush hour. This is the time when people come on twitter the most. This is the best time to tweet so that you can catch people online. Rush hour is usually between 10am and 4pm. Furthermore, tweet when football match or such events are on-going. People tend to rejoice or rant during these times on twitter. 
  12. Retweet other people’s tweets. When you retweets other people’s tweets, they tend to follow you back. People like when they get attention. People usually like when others show interest in them. Thus, retweeting people’s tweets is a good way to get them to follow you.


  1. This is really cool. And deadon.

  2. Marketers have the clearest idea about how a number of people are important for their business.
