
Tuesday, 20 August 2013


A man once stood on a soapbox at Hyde Park Corner, London, England, sneering the Christian faith. In ridicule he said: “People say that God exists; but I can’t see him. People tell me that there is life after death; but I can’t see it. People tell me that there’s a judgment to come; but I can’t see it. People tell me that there is a Heaven and a hell; but I can’t see them.” He won cheap applause and climbed down from his ‘pulpit’.
Another man struggled to climb on to the soapbox. “People tell me that there is green grass all around, but I can’t see it. People tell me that there is blue sky above, but I can’t see it. People tell me there are trees nearby, but I can’t see them. You see, I am blind.”
Today, we come across an alarming number of people who question God’s existence, saying that God is just a myth because no one has ever seen Him and because their minds are too little and too limited to fathom the existence of this magnificent Being. However, I am fully persuaded beyond all doubt –reasonable or unreasonable- that God is real and He is forever. The things we see are temporary and they have their roots from the invisible. The things unseen are forever. However, one can never think further than he knows. Anyone who doubts God is actually an ignoramus. “The Fool says in his heart that there is no God.”

God is real and Jesus is real. They are more real than even your own existence as a human being. He paid the price for our sins so He can be our Friend and Father again. His grace is available for us all.

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