
Thursday, 14 March 2013


This applies to every one of us. No matter how much you think you don’t care about other people’s opinion, there’s always a part of you that feels bad when people disapprove of you. It’s natural for a person to become defensive when their opinion is opposed. The funny thing, however, is that you can’t please everyone, so quit trying and quit worrying about what people will think of you. Not everyone will agree with you. Not everyone will see things from your point of view.
When I started blogging, I really ‘marketed’ my blog and I got some disapproving comments from people. A lady even called me an ‘aggressive’ marketer with the intent of making me stop what I was doing. If I had listened, you wouldn’t be reading this article. I’ll probably be somewhere sucking up to myself and feeling bad that someone thought badly of what I was doing.
Trying to please people is the beginning of failure. It is the first step at unhappiness. It is a giant step towards a lack of fulfillment. Stop trying to please everyone, you just cannot do it.